Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Continued Provision.

The Lord has so graciously provided over the last couple of months.  To begin, my trip is completely funded.  I am blessed for the example from so many of what it means to give joyfully and faithfully for the sake of the Gospel.  I pray I can bless others one day as so many have me.  Also as a result of others' giving, I've been able to purchase multiple copies of four professional development books for the teachers at Mattaw.

In addition to monetary contribution, God has provided countless donation materials for me to take to Mattaw.  I'm bringing lots of options for classroom/wall decorations, and have math manipulatives and materials galore.  These materials are an awesome start to encourage the teachers there to begin to view themselves as active designers of both classroom environment and lessons.  I owe most credit for the supplies I have to the efforts of one friend in particular at my school.  I've enjoyed getting to know her some over the past year.  I'm thankful for the particular interest she's taken in my trip and how, as a result, that has spread to so many others in our building.  So, she's who I blame for this:

One day after school I told my roommates, "I'm pretty sure Joy thinks I am taking my own airplane to Kenya."  This lady has gone above and beyond, going so far as to collect donation items for me in a school closet and then wheel all the loot out to my classroom for me to choose from.  She is also the reason I had to send the email stating, "Thank you, but please don't send any more!!" I'm grateful to God for the opportunity to share this experience with her and so many other coworkers.  I appreciate their interest, giving hearts, and prayers tremendously.  Now I've got to start working out more so that in a week or so I'll be able to haul all this stuff around the airport.

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